
This is necessary for validation in social networks cache really… –

This is necessary for validation in social networks cache really… –

Hello to you! Today, where he dived into a topic that touches not bad among us. Have you ever wondered why you seek validation on social networks so much? On va decortique tout ça ensemble et voir ce qui se cache vraiment derrière ce besoin. Come on, get comfortable and let me explain.

What is required for validation?

The need for validation, this almost irresistible urge to obtain the approval of others. Sur them social networksthis is often translated into keeping track of “likes”, commentaries, et partages. Mais pourquoi est-ce qu on a tous cette manie?

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Behind every click, every “how”, there is already a search for recognition. This search is natural, partly inherited from our ancestors who needed group acceptance for survival. Bien sûr, today, our survival challenges have changed, but notre cerveau cherche toujours à être validé.

The effect on mental health

Spending time checking whether your photos or statuses have received enough likes can have a real impact on your mental health. This obsession can generate stress, anxiety, and even lead to symptoms of depression when the required validation does not arrive.

Teenagers are particularly sensitive to the phenomenon. In a period of their life where they are still trying to define their identity, the virtual validation becomes a mirror in which they evaluate their own worth.

Why do we seek this validation in social networks?

Social guilt

There is a phenomenon that appeals to her social guilt. It’s this little voice in your head that told you that you must share your life to stay connected with your friends and family. When you don’t, you can feel a certain guilt.

This social pressure can lead to the constant search for positive interactions about them social networkshoping to appease that feeling of guilt.

Social comparison

Another determining factor is the social comparison. Sur them social networkswhere I am bombarded with perfect photos, idyllic roads and flamboyant successes. It is easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others.

This constant comparison can lead to an endless cycle of attempts at self-evaluation to try and prove that our life is also great.

This is required for cache validation

Lack of self-esteem

Often, the quest for validation reveals a profound lack ofself esteem. If you feel good in your skin, you will not need the approval of others to validate your worth. However, when l’on doute de soi-même, each “like” becomes a temporary bandage on a deeper beach.

Worker with a psychologistone psychotherapist or one psychopractice it could help you regain this inner confidence without depending on external considerations.

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Belonging need

Our need for cache validation is also a strong desire for appearance. We are social beings by nature and validation about them social networks it seems to fill what is needed artificially.

To build a true sense of belonging, it is sometimes necessary to leave superficial virtual relationships and invest in more authentic face-to-face connections.

Discuss handling the need for validation

Reduce the use of social networks

A first step to better understand and manage the need for validation is to reduce the use of since social networks. The less time you spend online, less you will be obsessed with what others think of you.

Try to set clear limits : For example, set specific times during the day when you look at notifications and expect to spend all breaks commuting. This may seem difficult at first, but with time, you will find other ways to distract yourself and connect.

Self-esteem developer

Work on your tone self esteem by identifying your strengths and concentrating on what you appreciate at home. Sometimes, keeping a gratitude journal can help you value the positive aspects of life, apart from any external validation.

Numerous staff development techniques can raise tones good to be psychological. Consider the meditationthe regular practice of one sport or even from creative activities like painting or music.

  • Spend time with people who value you for who you are, unconditionally.
  • Learn to accept compliments without minimizing their impact.
  • Avoid comparing to others, each parcours is unique.

Find a lost authenticity

Refocus on your values

Reconnect to your own values ​​instead of looking away social networks it can bring a real sense of peace. Identify what is important to you: family, hobbies, career, etc., and put your energy into it.

Take a step back in relation to social expectations and focus on what makes you truly happy. Those who succeed in living in accord with their values ​​often find that the need for external validation diminishes naturally.

Promote authentic interactions

In an age where everything is digital, favoring direct human interactions remains paramount. In-person conversations that offer unparalleled depth and quality of exchange.

Organize outings with your loved ones, rejoins clubs or associations, and participates in community activities. These interactions will nourish your social need in a more meaningful and holistic way that you will never be able to do them social networks.

When to consult a professional

Identify the right moment

If you feel like you need validation every day, it might be beneficial to consult one psychologistone psychotherapist or one psychopractice. They will be able to help you better understand the mechanisms behind this need and accompany you towards a global better-being.

Don’t wait for the situation to become insurmountable. A mental health professional can propose specific tools adapted to the situation, making the path to balance beaucoup plus accessible.

Beneficiary of appropriate support

Never underestimate the positive impact that therapy can have on you mental health. By addressing your concerns and exploring their origins, you will be able to gradually reduce the pressure linked to social validation.

The professionals are there to offer you a safe space where you can express your fears and doubts without judgement. This kind of support is invaluable in calmly moving forward in building a solid and lasting relationship.