
The deputy hastily retires after voting in favor of Gachagua’s impeachment

The deputy hastily retires after voting in favor of Gachagua’s impeachment

MP hastily withdraws after voting for Gachagua’s impeachment A vocal Central MP reportedly made a hasty withdrawal days after voting to impeach Rigathi Gachagua as vice president.

The politician recently held a meeting at his country house and reportedly apologized to the electorate.

He is said to have told voters that even if he refused to vote for impeachment, his vote would make no difference.

The meeting which was attended by the elders and their supporters allegedly resolved that the MP would personally meet with Gachagua to apologize.

The elders told him that regardless of the outcome of the ongoing court process, he should embrace Gachagua.

A meeting is reportedly being planned after the court cases are concluded.


Is a high politician a marked man?

Well, Corridors of Power is reporting that the politician could allegedly suffer collateral damage as a section of the political divide moves to put the house in order.

As part of the plan to bring in other forces that joined the alliance, there are reports that the tadpole may be relegated from its powerful position.

His alleged departure is expected to pave the way for the entry of a key politician allied to a formation that supports the alliance.

With a decision already taken to supposedly force the politician out, the jitters have hailed his camp amid concerns that he would supposedly have been sacrificed at the alter of political expediency that benefited the formation that was being treated with kid gloves.

Only time will tell.


Has a senior government official become so clueless that he has no knowledge of the affairs going on in his ministry? There are alleged reports that the officer could soon be among those likely to be shown the door to pave the way for an expanded government. Those close to him claim that his understanding of simple operational issues is below average, and he allegedly continues to joke every time he is expected to make a decision. Amid reports of an imminent purge to make way for the broad-based government, the officer is said to be on the chopping block. It is only a matter of time before radical changes are instituted.


Why has a powerful politician gone underground days after leading an aggressive campaign to oust Rigathi Gachagua as vice president? The politician from one of the strategic regions would have decided to stay away.

There are reports that the politician was allegedly unhappy with how the post-impeachment facilitation was handled.

A mole aware of the events told Corredors that the man allegedly left the country after a bitter exchange with one of the coalition leaders.

Allegedly, he has since switched off his phone. There are alleged reports that he is in a Middle Eastern country where he has investments. He is supposed to feel betrayed.