
Hamas ‘death cult’ wins over Trump amid harsh coverage and other comments

Hamas ‘death cult’ wins over Trump amid harsh coverage and other comments

Table of foreignness: the “death cult” of Hamas

“Not since the execution of Benito Mussolini” has the world been granted a glimpse of “the death of a fascist” like when footage showed Yahya Sinwar’s last breaths, observes Spiked’s Brendan O’Neill.

“In truth, Hamas does not aspire to ‘liberate Palestine’, but to subject it” to the “domination of Islamist dictatorship”. Palestinians are not “individuals deserving of life” but “martyrs”.

The fact is that Hamas is “a cult of death”; it is not status but death that is his “higher” goal.

Meanwhile, the terrorist group’s “hijacking of the Palestine issue is more than matched” by the “woke hijacking by the lost elites of the West,” who use it to express their “distress with the West.”

The Palestinians are “physical fodder” for Hamas’ “holy warism” and “moral fodder for the virtue signaling of Western elites.”

Media Watch: Trump Wins Amid Heavy Coveragee

Despite the “relentlessly negative coverage,” marvels Byron York of the Washington Examiner, “the public views (Donald) Trump more favorably than since he entered politics.”

“Less than three weeks before Election Day, Trump’s unfavorable rating exceeds his favorable rating by just 7 points.”

It is now “more popular at this point in the campaign than at this point in the 2020 or 2016 campaign.”

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris’ “momentum” has “stalled.” So Trump’s “favorability trend is up, and Harris’ trend is down.”

It’s an “extraordinary” development, given the “relentlessly hostile media environment” Trump has faced.

Eye on the Economy: Kam the McDonald’s Killer

During his McDonald’s photo shoot, Donald Trump “missed a bigger opportunity to highlight how Kamala Harris’ agenda puts these jobs and franchise restaurants at risk,” notes The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board.

“Start with Biden’s National Labor Relations Board joint employer rule,” which makes “corporate parents responsible for the labor practices of franchisees.”

This would “reduce franchisees’ autonomy and increase their costs”, leading to “fewer jobs”. Harris “also supported raising the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour,” possibly to $15 an hour, a recipe for “more unemployed teenagers.”

Also, the Democratic hopeful and other “progressives accuse McDonald’s of price gouging,” even though their prices have risen in line with their costs, and the veep would punish that practice by “fixing prices.”

McDonald’s and other franchisees “are on their target list. This is not going to help low-income workers.”

SCOTUS beat: Beware of the Lockstep Left

Ahead of the election, Democrats “maintain constant criticism of what Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has called a ‘MAGA Supreme Court,'” but “if bloc voting and decision-making based on in results you’re worried about, it’s not the Republican appointed judges you should be worried about,” warns Ilya Shapiro in the City Journal.

“The court leans to the right, yes, but it’s not a monolith, and it clips the wings of aggressive conservative litigants and lower court judges.”

The fact is, “only 11 of the 58 opinions in cases argued last term resulted in 6-3 ‘partisan’ splits, and nearly half of the decisions were unanimous.”

“There’s a lot of fluidity on the right, with varying interpretive methods,” and in reality, “it’s Democratic appointees who vote as a bloc far more than their Republican-appointed counterparts” and who are “geared toward specific policy outcomes … progressives”.

From right: When terrorists face ‘chaos’

“Israel is eliminating non-traditional financial targets that Hezbollah has been relying on since many of its traditional ones have been sanctioned by the West,” notes Commentary’s Seth Mandel.

“Cutting off a terrorist group from its access to cash can be an organizational death sentence.”

Israel’s “asymmetric war” against Hezbollah and Hamas terrorists has created “chaos”. Citizens fear getting “too close to a Hezbollah soldier” lest their pager explodes.

“This same suspicion may limit Hezbollah’s recruitment.” Until now, “Iran’s terror proxies have had all the advantages of real nation-states with none of the limitations.”

Now that Israel appears to have turned Hezbollah and Hamas around, “we expect to see a lot more of that, and not just from Israel.”

— Prepared by The Post’s Editorial Board