
SNP ferries fiasco deepens as Glen Sannox needs spare parts before putting to sea

SNP ferries fiasco deepens as Glen Sannox needs spare parts before putting to sea

However, the SNP government of then First Minister Nicola Sturgeon had to nationalize the yard in 2019 after it ran out of cash.

Ferguson Marine confirmed that parts of the Glen Rosa had been removed and installed in the Glen Sannox, but denied that this would affect the completion date.

Sue Webber, the Scottish Conservatives’ shadow transport secretary, said the guarantee was “hard to believe”.

“Rob Peter to pay Paul”

She said: “Just when you think the SNP ferry scandal can’t get any worse, you’re proven wrong.

“If it wasn’t so serious, it would be laughable. Tearing out parts of Glen Rosa to replace Glen Sannox is robbing Peter to pay Paul.

“Scotland’s betrayed islanders are fed up with the delays, incompetence and endless excuses that have been presided over by SNP ministers, while taxpayers bear the ever-increasing costs.”

The ships are to serve the island communities on the west coast of Scotland, which have been hit by regular breakdowns from the aging fleet.

A Ferguson Marine spokesman said: “Some parts have been taken from the MV Glen Rosa for use on the MV Glen Sannox.

“Since we have to deliver Glen Sannox soon, this is faster than ordering spare parts or fixing them. It won’t delay the delivery of Glen Rosa.