
Fallout 76 may be fishing in the future

Fallout 76 may be fishing in the future

What you need to know

  • Bethesda Game Studios shared some updates on what’s coming to Fallout 76 during the Fallout Day broadcast on October 23rd.
  • The studio gave an overview of the upcoming foray into a new region called the Gleaming Depths, featuring multiple boss fights and challenges culminating in a confrontation with a giant snake called the Ultracite Terror.
  • At the end of the broadcast, the studio also said that fishing could be on its way to Fallout 76.

There’s still more to post-apocalyptic Appalachia.

To celebrate Fallout Day, developer Bethesda Game Studios shared some updates on what players can expect in Fallout 76 in the coming weeks and months. As previously promised, the game is getting pets, with cats and dogs available in player CAMPs, though the developers are teasing that there will be other pets in the future.