
Summary of the October 2024 Bluffton School Board meeting

Summary of the October 2024 Bluffton School Board meeting

Olympic Bassitt visits students, emergency boiler repair

By Betsi Werling

The October 21 meeting of the Board of Education of the Exempt Village of Bluffton schools followed the attached agenda.

After nearly 15 years of driving for the district, Jay Stratton will retire as a school bus driver. With this change, Dan Lee will take over Stratton’s route.

The following additional contracts were approved: Head Girls Tennis – Trisha Nieman, 7th Grade Boys Basketball – Paul GInther, Middle School Wrestling Assistant – Tyrel Nuzum, Swimming Assistant – Rachel Diller

Several new contracts for substitute teachers and assistants, custodians, secretary and cafeteria were approved.

In August, the elementary school’s boiler room flooded, causing considerable damage to the HVAC system. There was an urgent need to replace and repair the HVAC system. This was taken over in August. The Board approved a resolution authorizing the Superintendent and Treasurer to take immediate action to facilitate repair and replacement work without competitive bidding.

Bluffton Schools received a $7,500 donation for SOS Tutoring from Ford B. Cauffiel, a Toledo businessman. Cauffiel has been providing this support for over 20 years. It helps pay for high school students who work with some of the elementary students.

There were a number of updates to the Board’s policies. Superintendent Greg Denecker said most were administrative in nature and react to laws that have recently been passed:

  • Deposit of public funds
  • first aid
  • Computer/Online Services
  • Recruitment of professional staff
  • Support for recruitment/publication of vacancies/recruitment of staff
  • School calendar for the school year
  • Education for family life / sexual education
  • Complementary and extracurricular activities
  • Interscholastic athletics
  • Admission of non-coordinated or domestic education students
  • Absences and student excuses
  • School absenteeism
  • Days of religious expression
  • Report child abuse and mandatory training
  • Employment of students


Kayleigh Coffman, senior, and Ty Huffman, junior, gave a presentation to the Student Senate. They were accompanied by their advisor, Melissa Richards, who teaches an 8th grade elective on Leadership to encourage future involvement in Student Senate.

Coffman and Huffman detailed the changes made this year for Homecoming. The theme was a Night in Paris. There is a social media coordinator who works with Yearbook on publicity. Upcoming events include holiday decorating at the Mennonite Memorial Home. Students will wear holiday sweaters to spread cheer to MMH residents. They will also hold the Ironman Volleyball competition with proceeds going to the Eli Jones Memorial Scholarship Fund. In the spring, members of the Senate will trash every Bluffton school building before graduation.

Bluffton Middle School: Principal Doug Westrick reported that the new electives have been well received by students:

6th grade

  • dare yourself
  • ELA Inclusion (English Language Arts)

7th grade

  • geography
  • Leadership I
  • welfare
  • technology

8th grade

  • ELA Honors
  • ALS inclusion
  • Drama Club
  • Leadership II
  • Health (for HS credit)
  • Technology II

Technology: Coordinator Courtnee Morris reported that some new equipment is being rolled out. Last year, Morris’ 6th grade class learned how to use a 3D printer. This year, these students worked with current 6th and 8th graders to teach them how to use the printer. The students are learning about the new equipment in the cafeteria and the audiovisual support for the recent Choir concert was directed by the students.

Bluffton Elementary: Principal Kori Bernal reported that Trevor Bassitt’s visit went well. He went through the halls of the elementary school and gave high fives and the students really enjoyed it. Bernal said the next staff professional development will work with the results of IReady. Bernal said there are 33 students participating with the Karl’s Club this year, and a few more students continue to be added. On Friday they celebrate a school-wide Pirate Day to encourage school pride.

Greg Denecker reported that the assembly with Trevor Bassitt was well received. Bassitt signed nearly 1400 cards for students.

During the upcoming professional development day, Ohio State will train about 45 Tech Cred AI trainees. Denecker shared a video of Bluffton students participating in the Save a Life Tour event, which promotes safe driving. There were simulators that the students used to show how their senses are affected by drunk driving and distracted driving.

A second video highlighted Bluffton students participating in the Real Money-Real World event. This simulation helps students understand real-life budgets and costs as they mature into adulthood.

Board member Jeremy Scoles reported on his recent training with OHSA. Scoles mentioned that even though OSHA is a non-profit organization, they have started investing their funds and are able to return some of the funds to participating schools.

With some of the additional revenue created, they were able to add 30 student scholarships, bringing the total to close to 200. Scoles also reported that Flag Football has begun to be added as a school sport.

Scoles spoke briefly about recent legislation called the Bullying Bill, which allows a student to play sports at a neighboring school if they are being bullied by a coach. The affected student would attend home school, but participate in sports elsewhere. He said there is currently not much information about how this will affect schools.