
Netanyahu’s addiction to endless wars

Netanyahu’s addiction to endless wars

Image by Alex Shuper.

US media reported that the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system was “to defend Israel against a possible Iranian attack”. groups to manipulate the truth, spread propaganda, distort facts and shape public opinion.

When it comes to talking about Palestine, there is an iron gate that controls information and shapes perceptions, keeping the American public in a state of ignorance or false consciousness. We saw this recently when CBS News anchor Tony Dokoupil challenged African-American writer Ta-Nehisi Coates on his thoughts from his visit to Palestine. Zio’s “Iron Gate” (ZIG) strictly regulates what Americans can hear and read about Palestine, reminiscent of tactics used by authoritarian regimes. Palestinian voices are largely absent from the mainstream discourse, and when someone like Coates tries to share his unfiltered observations, he is criticized for failing to rationalize Israeli apartheid.

Contrary to American ZIG efforts to define aggression as defense, Israel’s own media was more outspoken in discussing a new Israeli request for a second THADD before the “expected Israeli retaliatory strike” against Iran. President Joe Biden confirmed this, when asked during his recent trip to Germany if he was aware of Israel’s planned attack on Iran and its targets, he responded with a curt “Yes and yes” .

A subsequent, allegedly “unauthorized release of classified documents,” marked top secret and posted online on Telegram, revealed that Israel is moving “military assets to carry out a military strike” against Iran.

Meanwhile, ZIG is setting up an alternate reality for the impending Israeli assault on Iran for American skill. The indisputable truth is that Biden’s deployment of the US defense system is an escalating measure to enable Israel’s aggression against Iran, not to defend Israel “against a possible attack by Iran.”

THADD first entered military service in 2012. The US Department of Defense’s Missile Defense Agency has 800 interceptors on hand for the only seven THAAD systems, with an eighth to be delivered in 2025 .Each terminal consists of 48 interceptor missiles in 6 trucks. assembled launchers, 8 tubes each. The cost of deploying the THAAD system that would allow Israel to wage war on Iran is projected to cost US taxpayers an additional $1 billion. This is on top of $14.5 billion approved in November 2023 and nearly $4 billion in annual military aid.

The Lockheed Martin-designed THADD interceptors are very similar to the US taxpayer-funded Israeli Arrow 2 system. Thus, raising the question of the added value that THAAD brings when the US-funded Israeli missile defense has similar capabilities that cover the entire land area occupied by Israel. However, it is not the American missile interceptor system that interests Netanyahu. But rather having US soldiers in a combat role against Iran. Stationing 100 American soldiers in danger has been Netanyahu’s goal to drag American soldiers into the quagmire of Israel’s endless wars.

As I detailed in a previous article, Israel has been preparing to attack Iran for years. The delay likely allowed the Zionist Sayanim in Washington time to find a way to embroil the US in another war designed for Israel. Netanyahu and the top Israelis in Washington have been advancing Israeli goals under false pretenses, pushing the United States to fight Israel’s wars in Iraq and Iran, among others, for more than two decades.

The Pentagon’s explanation for deploying the THAAD system in Israel reached new heights of absurdity. In addition to the typical statement of general obsequiousness to defend the US welfare state, Pentagon spokesman Pat Ryder declared that the deployment was also “to defend Americans in Israel.”

Ryder’s dubious statement came almost the same day the US Embassy in Lebanon urged “American citizens in Lebanon … to leave now.” For Americans who choose to become Israeli citizens, the Pentagon sends THAAD to protect them, but sees no need to defend American citizens in Lebanon, even when they are targeted by US-made bombs where at least one American citizen, Kamel Ahmad Jawad, was targeted. killed in an Israeli raid. To add insult to injury, Jawad’s death by assassination was initially downplayed by State Department spokesman Mathew Miller, who incorrectly claimed on October 2 that Jawad was “a lawful permanent resident, not a citizen of North American,” before being corrected later that week.

This highlights the Biden administration’s apparent two-tiered approach to American citizenship: one for American Israeli Jews and one for American Muslim and Christian citizens. For example, while the White House welcomed the family of US-Israeli citizen Hersh Goldberg-Polin, it did not extend the same courtesy to the family of Palestinian-American Christian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, who was killed by an Israeli army sniper in 2022. Despite Israel’s refusal to cooperate with the US investigation into his death, the administration quietly dropped the case, apparently allowing the killing of a northern citizen -non-Jewish “lower-level” American was not addressed.

Another example of such lower-level citizenship is American-Palestinian Omar Assad, 78, who “was handcuffed, blindfolded and gagged by Israeli soldiers, then left to die in a cold parking lot.” The administration also failed to take action two months ago when an Israeli soldier, likely using a US-made or US-funded weapon, shot 26-year-old Turkish American citizen Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi in the head two months ago. Instead of carrying out an independent investigation into the murder of this “lmore-than-equal“American, the Biden administration asked that the perpetrator investigate his own crime.

President Biden’s mishandling of his relationship with Prime Minister Netanyahu mirrors his handling of his son’s past struggles with addiction. Despite claiming to be working hard for a ceasefire for more than a year, Biden has been ineffective in curbing Netanyahu’s relentless pursuit of war. He is likely to fail again in reining in Netanyahu’s biblical obsession with the goyim in Iran, since Netanyahu knows that regardless of Biden’s private disapproval, he will ultimately endorse his actions.

Regardless of Biden’s expressed opinion, Netanyahu will choose the targets and timing of Israeli attacks against Iran to maximize their impact on the US election. A broader conflict could push more pro-genocide voters toward Donald Trump, while anti-genocide voters could withhold support for Kamala Harris. This could again allow Netanyahu to hand over the White House to Trump, in exchange for a bigger deal: the annexation of the West Bank in exchange for the $100 million campaign donation (legal bribe) from Israeli citizen Miriam Adelson to the Trump campaign.