
nouvelles infractions, number of devices… voilà ce qui vous attende!

nouvelles infractions, number of devices… voilà ce qui vous attende!

If the 2025 finance bill (PLF) is pending to find out if aids such as the ecological bonus or social leasing will be maintained for motorists or if the malus will not be increased, there is also a whole section on the road safety Indeed, in the very numerous annexes that have been added to the project, there are no structures and road safety devices, which allow the budget to be determined and allocated.and especially how it will be used. In the 22-page detail included in this annex, the “automated controls”. Alors, à quelle sauce va-t-on encore être mangés?

A number of radars that stabilizes…

In the annex, where you can read that the number of radars stabilizes, around 4,000 that are “operational and visible”. If you add the devices used in addition to maintenance, there are between 4,600 and 4,800 radars in total. And in 2025, there is apparently no question of increasing the number. On the other hand, the money allocated to this post will mainly be used to modernize the existing park, to acquire new vehicles for the nouvelle génération mobile radars, et de nouveaux radars chantiers, which allows “quick response to the needs expressed by the prefects”. Sans oublier le maintien des existing radars, toujours en proie au vandalisme “qui demeure à un niveau élevé”. In total, there will be no fewer than 4,160 radars on the roads in 2025:

  • 300 old generation radar fixes (progressively replaced)
  • 700 discriminating radars (distinguish light vehicles from heavy goods vehicles)
  • 30 vitesse moyenne radars (or section radars) currently being replaced
  • 300 red light radars of ancienne génération and 30 level crossing radars
  • 500 active urban radars (speed control and/or franchise)
  • 1 500 radar turrets active
  • 550 autonomous construction site radars
  • 100 mobile radars “boarded/disembarked” (in law enforcement vehicles)
  • 150 radar cars with external behavior (in Corsica and Ile de France)

More new violations in the viewer!

If it comes on vient de le voir, there is no question of increasing the number of radars, on the other hand, they should be more effective. Et à la suite de cette enumération de tout le panel radars that he finds in our territory, the annexe au budget specifies that “de nouvelles infractions poignant être déployables en plusieurs centaines d’équipements”. In any case according to the technological capabilities and the necessary approval to put the device in the work.

You have to specify the three new offenses that the government wants to control égamente: the inter-distance, the non-respect of the port of ceinture and the phone in hand. Additional devices can leave penalties, such as radar turrets, but for the time being it is not limited to speed, traffic lights and level crossings. Will they “finally” be updated to show the full extent of their talents? That’s the goal anyway.

AI at the service of radars

Note that the artificial intelligence, always it, is also planned to improve the performances of the automated controls. De quoi pot-être also help the rate of transformation of infringement messages for radars into effective contravention notices. In 2023, it was 75.3% for French registrations. 2024 should be identical, and the target remains 75% for the next three years. On the other hand, for what concerns foreign registrations, the rate of “flashes” transformed into contraventions was only 67.5% in 2023. The goal being to improve over the years to come and pass au moins à 70%.

Last word on the availability of radars. Understand there the rate of equipment that works effectively for the relationship with the number of devices on the edges of routes. It was 90.59% in 2023, it should be at 93% in 2024. The aim is to maintain it in 2025, 2026 and 2027.