
‘Love Is Blind’ Stephen releases his ‘villain arc’ after his scandal in recent episodes

‘Love Is Blind’ Stephen releases his ‘villain arc’ after his scandal in recent episodes

  • Netflix released the second batch of episodes from the seventh season of “Love Is Blind” on Wednesday.
  • Monica finds sexual text messages that Stephen exchanged with another woman during their engagement.

The last batch of episodes of the seventh season of “Love Is Blind” seems to have ended another engagement.

In the first batch of episodes for the seventh season, which premiered on October 2, the series revealed that controversial art dealer Leo and his fiancee Brittany had split after getting engaged on the show. But in episode eight, Stephen and Monica broke up after he catches himself exchanging sexts with another woman, and it seems like that’s pretty much it.

The mistakes in “Love Is Blind” are incredibly public, given the reach of the series: It regularly draws millions of eyes on Netflix and has been split into several international editions. Stephen has been posting through him, tagging him as his “bad arch” in social media posts.

Still, he fondly remembers his time with Monica on the show — that’s what he’s doing today.

Stephen tells Monica early on that he cheated in a previous relationship

Stephen and Monica hit it off, opening up to each other early in their relationship. In a quote from episode two, Stephen says that he emphasizes communication in a relationship. He also shares something about his past: he cheated on a previous partner and had also been “cheated on several times”. He explains that he had been “emotionally cheating” by flirting with another woman via direct message, and was in therapy to analyze these actions.

Monica responds with empathy. He says he previously had “very dirty and very, very bad” experiences with cheating, but has managed to forgive others in the past.

In another quote from episode two, Stephen tells Monica that he considers himself a “centrist” politically and that he voted for Donald Trump in 2016 because he didn’t like Hillary Clinton. However, he says he didn’t like Trump’s conduct in office and voted for Joe Biden in 2020.

On this same date, he also tells Monica that he recently learned that he has West African ancestry, not Italian as he previously thought. In turn, Monica tells him that she is multiracial with Honduran, African American and Cherokee ancestry.

In episode four, Stephen proposes to Monica, and she accepts. Later in this episode, they meet for the first time. They are one of six couples selected to travel to Mexico on a post-engagement trip. It’s mostly drama-free for them (compared to others), though Monica tells Stephen in a conversation in episode six that he’s talking too much and won’t let him “get a word in.”

After Stephen hints at possible doubts, Monica finds text messages with another woman on her phone

Monica and Stephen’s relationship takes a hit in episode seven when the pair argue about their love languages: Monica likes gifts and Stephen has been falling, and marriage is imminent. Stephen alludes to the possibility of thinking it through, confusing Monica, but denies that he is hesitating to marry her.

“I am in no way afraid to marry you,” he says. “Like, I’m genuinely in love with you. I’m nervous about all of this because it’s a huge, huge commitment. And it’s not like I’m hesitant to be with you. You know, I just don’t want to feel overwhelmed when it comes time to find— you at the altar.”

Stephen notices Monica’s expectations and takes her on a date with flowers in episode eight after they move in together. It’s a good step in their relationship, but things fall apart by the end of the episode.

During a conversation in her apartment, Monica tells her co-star Taylor that Stephen took a sleep test the night before, or at least, he didn’t sleep in her apartment. Later, she and Stephen explain what really happened: while he was away, he sent sexual messages to another woman that Monica says were “full of fetishes.”

Stephen tells Monica that he didn’t “fake anything” in their relationship and that he really wanted to marry her, calling the texts a “stupid mistake” he made while drunk. When Monica tells him she saw text messages from the day of their conversation, he says he didn’t remember sending them.

After Stephen tells Monica he’s leaving, Monica asks him to send her the money she spent to cover her expenses. He does, apologizing for hurting her and saying he shouldn’t have agreed to appear on “Love Is Blind”.

“What a selfish thing to say,” Monica replies. “What a selfish piece of shit. You put a ring on my finger, and now you shouldn’t have been on the show?”

After the conversation, Taylor and her fiancé Garrett comfort Monica.

Stephen announces his “villain arc” on social media

Stephen does not appear in the teaser for the next batch of episodes shown at the end of episode nine. However, he said he might unzip his stock in a TikTok posted the day Netflix released the second batch of episodes.

“Man, we’re going to have to wait a whole year until I can talk about… oh wait,” he said. “Tune in next time to ‘Love Is Blind!'”

In an Instagram story posted two days before the premiere of the second batch of episodes, she responded to a video claiming that she was in a relationship when she applied to be on the show and that she had seen her ex and had been active on dating apps not long before. filming the show.

“OoOoh this one is interesting considering I haven’t spoken to my ex in about 3 years,” Stephen wrote in an Instagram post. “But my friends and family already knew. I’m sorry to disappoint strangers on the internet who have invested too much in my personal past.”

After the episodes premiered, Stephen posted several memes on his Instagram story about getting into a “villain arc” on the show. She also retweeted someone else’s Instagram story calling him a “dirty dog”, saying he was “what love fans are blind want me to be”.

Finally, he directed fans to watch the latest episodes of the “drama”.

“I hope I didn’t ruin anyone’s day for existing…and if I did, I’m sorry you had to wake up this morning. I wish you didn’t have to either. But I’ll love you all the same.” , he wrote.

On TikTok, Stephen has posted videos about how people perceived him on the show. In one, he swings what appears to be a metal ruler over wooden planks, set to a battle theme from the video game “Final Fantasy 7.”

“Training to fight all the women left at home who hate me for ruining their fantasy of who they think I am,” she wrote.

Still, Stephen and Monica follow each other on Instagram and have posted about their relationship on the show. Stephen posted a set of photos from his Mexico vacation on Instagram, reminiscing about his time with Monica in the caption.

“You know for a show that relies on context clues and pretends not to judge a book by its cover. Their fans sure like to take A LOT of things at face value,” she wrote in the caption. “These are all beautiful memories of mine that I wouldn’t trade for the world. Both on and off camera. Memories that I will share forever with amazing people in an experience I never expected to be a part of.”

Monica reposted Stephen’s post on her own Instagram story. She has not added any subtitles.

The next batch of episodes of the seventh season of “Love Is Blind” will air on Wednesday, October 16 netflix.