
According to the report, 98% of Gen Z in India spend an hour a week on learning

According to the report, 98% of Gen Z in India spend an hour a week on learning

A recent study has found that 62% of Gen Z students in India they are particularly motivated to improve skills with the goal of increasing their earning potential, surpassing the motivations of both Millennials and Gen Xers.

The finding comes from a report by Udemy, a leading online platform for learning and skill development, which is based on feedback from more than 6,500 students of different generations, including 900 participants from India .

Their new report, Gen Z in the Workplace: Welcoming the Next Generation, focuses on the significant influence Gen Z (those born between 1997 and 2012) is expected to have on the future workforce.

Interestingly, while generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) content continues to grow in popularity on the Udemy platform and Gen Z shows a high level of engagement with it, they are also the most skeptical about the effectiveness of AI in online learning.

When it comes to workplace expectations, Gen Z students in India highly value factors such as recognition of their achievements (72%) and clear communication from their managers (44%).

Here are the main takeaways from the Udemy report:


  • Dedication to learning: An overwhelming 98% of Gen Z students surveyed in India spend at least one hour per week learning, reflecting a strong commitment to personal and professional growth. This dedication is comparable to 93% of Millennials and Gen Xers who also engage in weekly learning activities.
  • Motivations for learning: The top motivations driving Gen Z students surveyed in India are:
    • Increased income potential (62%)
    • Achieving personal growth and self-improvement (59%)
    • Staying competitive in your job or industry (56%)
  • Preferred learning methods: 64% of Gen Z surveyed in India prefer full online courses for their learning needs, a slight preference compared to 62% of millennials, but less than 72% of Gen X who favor this method.


  • AI-based learning: 79% of Gen Z in India express a willingness to use online learning platforms that offer personalized AI-powered experiences, although this is lower than 85% of millennials and 98% of Gen X that show a similar interest.
  • AI Confidence: Despite their interest, Gen Z, which was surveyed about India’s confidence in the effectiveness of AI-powered learning, is somewhat wary, with 78% believing it can improve their learning experiences learning This sentiment is lower than the 84% of millennials who hold a similar view. Leaders must evaluate how and where to implement AI to ensure it enhances the experience of Gen Z learners and does not compromise the process through bias or inaccuracy.


  • Direct Manager Attributes: Gen Z students surveyed in India value the following attributes in their line managers:
    • Recognition of achievements and contributions (72%)
    • Clear communication and transparency regarding job expectations and company updates (44%)
    • A positive and inclusive team culture (42%)
  • Senior Leadership Expectations: The most valued aspect of senior leadership among Gen-Z in India is investment in employee development and career growth (44%).


  • Preferred communication channels: Gen Z students in India show a strong preference for face-to-face interactions (67%) and video conferencing tools such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams (66%) for communication.
  • Communication misunderstandings: A significant 97% of Gen Z learners in India have experienced feelings of being misunderstood at work due to their communication style, highlighting a potential area for improving workplace communication strategies.

“Gen Z isn’t the first generation to usher in change for the workforce. From millennials to Gen X and boomers, each generation has created new opportunities for leaders to rethink their approach to learning and development to engage workers in continuous improvement,” said Greg. Brown, President and CEO of Udemy.

“This report provides guidance for leaders to help upskill Gen Z at the pace of change demanded by technologies such as generative artificial intelligence, in turn preparing the newest members of the workforce for the ‘success while positioning organizations for long-term growth,’ he added.

“The development and skills of Gen Z are crucial to shaping the future workforce. Our research provides valuable insights into what they are looking for from employers, including a focus on work-life balance and job satisfaction ” said Vinay Pradhan, Country Manager and Senior Director. – India and South Asia on Udemy.

“Gen Z also craves mental stimulation and opportunities for growth and hands-on experience in the workplace. For organizations looking to attract and retain Gen Z talent, understanding and addressing these needs is essential.” he added.

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October 16, 2024