
What are the minor aspects and how do they affect your birth chart?

What are the minor aspects and how do they affect your birth chart?

What are the minor aspects and how do they affect your birth chart?

While everyone is well aware of the major aspects like conjunctions, squares and trines, there is still much to learn in minor aspects. The first shows subtleties of how the various planetary energies interact with each other, thus opening up a deeper understanding of your chart. Some of the significant ones minor aspects are:
sextile (60 degrees)
While sextiles are often considered an important aspect, they are far from the distinctly energetic trine formation. Sextiles indicate potential and places where things are going well, but unlike a trine (120 degrees), a sextile requires effort to be activated by its possibilities. Engaged planets in sextile positions encourage growth through conscious joint effort. For example, Venus sextile Mars means you have the potential to balance desire with action, but you really have to do something to make it happen.
Quincunx/odd (150 degrees)
This aspect implies a kind of tension between planets that are natural opposites and have no points in common. In many cases, the fit or compromises have to be bad for this aspect not to negatively affect tour life. When your Moon (which represents your emotions) is not conjunct Mercury (your planet of communication), you may find it difficult to properly express your feelings, with self-consciousness filling in all the gaps in your speech. Do you ever feel like everything you say comes out wrong? Now imagine that for the rest of your life. Unless, of course, you do something about it.
semi-square (45 degrees) and sesquisquare (135 degrees)
These are minor aspects similar to the square but of lesser strength. They present friction and tension, that is, irritation or obstacles in life. When Mars semi-squares Saturn, you feel blocked or restricted from pursuing anything ambitious. You will need some patience and persistence to make progress.
Quintile (72 degrees) and biquintile (144 degrees)
These aspects have to do with creativity and talent, giving unique gifts in the realm of the planets involved. If your Sun is quintile Neptune, then you were born with a natural artistic or spiritual ability and find it easy to tap into your infinite inspiration.
It is true that the minor themes in your chart do not dominate; however, they indicate an insight into how the subtle aspects of your personality work and how different parts of your psyche sometimes work in harmony with each other or work against each other. So, understanding these aspects unlocks hidden potential, helps manage internal conflicts, and develops the self-awareness needed to do better and work harder.