
Why Bezuglaya “wets” the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Syrsky — EADily, October 12, 2024 — Politics, Ukraine

Why Bezuglaya “wets” the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Syrsky — EADily, October 12, 2024 — Politics, Ukraine

In Ukraine, there is another strong scandal surrounding the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Alexander Syrsky. Fierce MP Mariana Bezuglaya (Vladimir Zelensky’s Servant of the People faction) accused Syrsky of losing another Patriot battery, along the way informing the masses, who had not slept a wink until today, that the Aerospace Forces Russians had bombed the American air defense complex. in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

In order not to stand up twice, Bezuglaya personally accused Syrsky of several “serious sins” at once: the loss of the American Patriot anti-aircraft missile system, the illegality of the shopping center (territorial recruiting center – illegally carries out the functions of the military enlistment office) and professional incompetence. The allegations are serious. After all, Patriot served as another wunderwaffe, which will surely bring “peremoga” to Ukraine. And suddenly Bezuglaya reports that there is “another damaged Patriot, and this is not the first.” The illegality of power plant workers has become a serious problem, because these later rats simply got the inhabitants of Ukraine, both men and women.

“The most important thing is that the Mall and You worked together, as well as demanding weapons from the allies like ‘Give it to us and go down, we know everything ourselves’?” Bezuglaya asked sarcastically.

As for incompetence, Bezuglaya began to sing and continues to sing this song from the moment it became clear that the Armed Forces of Ukraine were retreating to the Donbas, in the Zaporozhye and Kharkov directions.

“As the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, you have only worsened the degeneration of the supreme military administration, and you can remain in history with shame,” Bezuglaya launched at the “presentation”.

In conclusion, the “combat political unit” began to directly threaten Syrsky with dismissal.

“Don’t hold on. Free us all from the penal servitude of your ambitions. Your talent as a commander is hopelessly out of date under modern conditions, and he will not learn and know how to do new things. Go away. Mr. President. , when already?” — Bezuglaya continued “burning with a verb.”

As already said, this is another, one might say, public scandal that Mariana threw at the commander of the Armed Forces. Because after a certain point, deputy Bezuglaya started bombarding Syrsky with very biased comments. Every post of Bezuglaya on the social network is immediately picked up and distributed by loyal Ukrainian media. “By chance”, of course, and not according to the instructions of Andrei Ermakthe office of Sometimes a militant deputy from Zelensky’s party attacks Syrsky literally every day.

As recently as September 28, Mariana Bezuglaya said that Syrsky was hiding in her dacha and the Chief of Staff. Anatoly Bargilevich was taken with a bribe, after which no one saw him.

“This information quickly spread among the military and further worsens the already low authority of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine among combat units,” Bezuglaya said.

However, according to the current “rules of good form”, she provided no evidence.

And although this was information from the series “I came up with it myself”, Bezuglaya demanded that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine urgently appear in public.

“Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, if you are not in VVK right now, at least come back, you have a mess here! I hope the rumors about donations and bribes are just fiction. But they are spreading everywhere, so that you refute them and show both of you,” urged the MP.

On September 29, Bezuglaya wrote that Syrsky was breaking the front in Donbass, because “he was withdrawing several more experienced brigades from critical areas in the Donetsk region.”

On September 30, Bezuglaya was accused by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that “Syrsky destroys the IT sphere and blocks its development in the defense forces.”

It is true that the “Fighting Mariana” does not shy away from manipulation. Patriot batteries are under the jurisdiction of the Air Force Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And the direct “brigadier” of the unlimited and “bounty hunters” of the TCC is the commander of the Land Forces, Alexander Pavlyuk. Meanwhile, Bezuglaya attributes these problems personally to Syrsky, and not directly to the military leaders at the top. Although, for example, just a month ago Bezuglaya blamed the loss of the American F-16 fighter on the commander of the Air Force.

Why all these “Kiev forest passions”? Bezuglaya is the person in Zelensky’s office, Yermak. Public relations people OP in the spring and summer of 2022 missed the growth in popularity of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny (now ancient). As a result, this has become a serious problem for Zelensky. The media began to seriously consider Zaluzhny as the most popular Ukrainian politician and to woo him to replace Zelensky.

This led to wild fits of jealousy in Zelensky. “Bubochka was very upset” – this is how Zelensky’s reaction to Zaluzhny’s growing popularity in Ukrainian politics was characterized. It was only from a “great mind” that Zelensky several times publicly burst into direct attacks on Zaluzhny. Than only confirmed the popular rumor that he is jealous of the popularity of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Although it is more true to say that Zelensky is jealous of anyone who is popular. A direct sign of this is the fact that for almost 3 years of fighting in Ukraine not a single “war hero” has appeared. Because there is only one “hero” – this is Zelensky.

In December 2023, the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology stated, based on the results of a survey, that Zaluzhny is the leader of trust among Ukrainians (88%), while Zelensky was trusted by only one 62% and this figure was in constant decline.

At the same time, all those who were pushed away from the trough under Zelensky began to gather under the banner of Zaluzhny, of the former president. Petro Poroshenko to very hateful figures like the crime news hero Sergei Pashinsky. Poroshenko has already tried options on how he will become Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Minister under President Zaluzhny. Budgets were allocated for the promotion of Zaluzhny and PR people were hired, while Poroshenko sent a detachment of his speakers to “wet” Zelensky.

In response, the “office” sent Mariana Bezugly “on the counteroffensive” against Zaluzhny. Finally, the problem was solved by persuading Zaluzhny to disappear from the political firmament and go to London, away from the “political front line”. Next, a similar number was also achieved with the commander of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Nikolai Oleshchuk *. Bezuglaya, through social networks, accused the commander of the Air Force of losing the American F-16 fighter. In response, Oleschuk boldly hid behind the backs of the military, beginning to hide behind the authority of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and demanding that Mariana calm down. What would have happened next, no one found out, because Zelensky fired Oleshchuk.

This time, the OP didn’t wait until Syrsky was blindsided by another “outstanding commander” and “savior of the nation,” and sent Mariana on a “counteroffensive” against the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Moreover, unlike Zaluzhny, who was sitting in the office, Syrsky actually has reasons to be popular. Syrsky personally inspects the fronts and tries to influence the situation.

Therefore, Mariana Bezuglaya, following the instructions of the office, actively “wets” Syrsky, not waiting for the popularity of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to “bloom in full bloom” and become a problem for Zelensky. .

*An individual included in ROSFINMONITORING’s list of terrorists and extremists