
validation of the ITIE action plan and good governance in the extractive industries

validation of the ITIE action plan and good governance in the extractive industries

The Center d’Études et de Recherches sur la Gouvernance, les Industries Extractives et le Développement Durable (CERGIED), in partnership with Secours Catholique Caritas France, organized a validation workshop for the ITIE action plan in the framework of the project entitled ” Promotion of transparency, good governance, fight against corruption and protection of human rights in the sector of extractive industries for an inclusive and sustainable development in Chad.

The general objective of this workshop is to contribute to sustainable development through a healthy, transparent and equitable management of public resources, as well as the obligation to account for public officials.

This environment environment workshop brings together thirty participants from N’Djamena and the provinces. In his opening speech, the director general of CERGIED, Maoudonodji Gilbert, recalled that this workshop is part of the continuity of previously organized activities.

The main objective is to strengthen the role and involvement of civil society, in the games of transparency, the fight against corruption and the promotion of good governance. The workshop aims to examine the draft action plan issue from the recommendations of the last workshop, to evaluate the activities proposed for each axis, and to identify the challenges encountered.

The ambition is to provide civil society with a clear action plan to respond to the challenges of immobility and the redynamisation of its network organization, in order to implement the effectiveness of the action plan , and address the different challenges identified, he concluded.

The CERGIED is a civil society organization, tasked since its creation in 2001 with monitoring the socio-economic impacts of the Chad-Cameroon oil project. Its mission is to carry out action research with a view to contributing to the promotion of responsible governance in public business, to a transparent and equitable management of national resources, to ensure lasting human and social development in Chad.