
Glucose metabolism drives embryonic development in mice, study reveals

Glucose metabolism drives embryonic development in mice, study reveals

Glucose metabolism drives embryonic development in mice

A wave of glucose activity precedes mouse gastrulation. Credit: nature (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-08044-1

Yale University researchers have discovered that glucose metabolism plays a critical role in guiding the early development of mouse embryos, revealing that specific metabolic pathways regulate essential cell signaling during key stages of embryogenesis.

The study, “Selective utilization of glucose metabolism guides mammalian gastrulation,” published in natureidentifies two distinct waves of glucose utilization during mouse gastrulation.

The first wave channels glucose through the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway (HBP) in epiblast cells, facilitating the formation of proteoglycans for fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling. This signaling is crucial for cell differentiation and the extension of the primitive streak. This structure ends up forming the neural plate, becoming the basis of the spinal cord and the nervous system.

The second wave directs glucose through glycolysis, providing energy and metabolites needed for mesodermal cell migration and lateral expansion.

The team mapped the spatial and temporal patterns of glucose uptake using single-cell resolution imaging of developing mouse embryos, stem cell models and embryo-derived tissues.

They found that the initial wave of glucose metabolism occurs in the posterior epiblast cells and expands forward as development proceeds. The subsequent wave of glycolysis supports the movement of mesodermal cells away from the primitive streak, promoting lateral expansion.

To test the certainty of the pathway’s implications, the team inhibited glucose metabolism using chemical blockers, experimentally confirming the disruption of primitive streak formation and mesoderm specification.

Specific targeting of HBP affected primitive streak development while inhibiting late-stage glycolysis with affected mesodermal cell migration without hindering initial cell fate decisions.

The study also shows that glucose metabolism influences extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling pathways, finding them crucial for differentiation and cell movement during gastrulation. Inhibition of glucose metabolism led to a reduction in ERK activity, whereas supplementation with N-acetylglucosamine, a product of BPH, restored ERK signaling and rescued the defects of development

Further analysis using stem cell-based embryo models and mesoderm explants confirmed that HBP is essential for epiblast cell fate transitions and that glycolysis supports the migratory behavior of cells mesodermal cells.

RNA sequencing of treated mesoderm explants revealed downregulation of pathways involved in cell migration and extracellular matrix interactions when glycolysis or ERK signaling was inhibited.

The findings highlight that glucose metabolism, in coordination with genetic and signaling mechanisms, is integral to the successful patterning and morphogenesis of the developing embryo. This research challenges the traditional view of cellular metabolism as a mere background cellular function, positioning it as an active director of embryonic development.

More information:
Dominica Cao et al, Selective utilization of glucose metabolism guides mammalian gastrulation, nature (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-08044-1

Christian Schröter, glucose plays a surprising role in directing cell fate and migration, nature (2024). DOI: 10.1038/d41586-024-03284-7

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Summons: Glucose metabolism drives embryonic development in mice, study reveals (2024, October 19) Retrieved October 19, 2024, from metabolism-embryonic-mice-reveals.html

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