
The Rangers are suffering from Celtic infiltration and it must be stopped

The Rangers are suffering from Celtic infiltration and it must be stopped

When was the last time you Googled ‘Rangers’ and it wasn’t full of Celtic-minded sites talking about our club?

Ibrox Noise was investigating as we often do, and we noticed, once again, that the search term ‘Rangers’ was full of Celtic sites.

This unfortunately leads to the conclusion that the news space and media is being dominated by Celtic and their content, whether it’s about Rangers or themselves.

This is a big deal – it means this bunch is having a significant influence on Rangers stuff, because Rangers fans (and anyone else) are looking for our club online and are greeted by a ton of green content, and some of them. we will click it for sure.

Of course it’s because they talk about Rangers (a lot), but the fact that he’s now significantly infiltrated by this lot from the other end of Glasgow means that his content, his spin, his views on Rangers are all too common in our airspace.

The Rangers have become second best in our own online space.

Unfortunately, it’s representative of the mood and atmosphere these days – Rangers sites struggle to find much positive content and many of the reports, admittedly including Ibrox Noise, are neutral, critical or downright pessimistic , and Celtic-minded sites are feeding. in this and making pot shots.

And in doing so it is now seeping into our online presence.

Rangers on the pitch need to improve. Rangers as a club need to improve.

Media content will then reflect this and start to get more out of Celtic.

But that seems far away right now.